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Hearst Museum object titled Seed, accession number 1-211559, described as Seed sample. The main component of the specimen consists of nutlets of Salvia columbariae Benth., chia, Lamiaceae. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsules: 40 seeds of Mentzelia spp., blazingstar, Loasaceae; 6 florets of Bromus rubens L., red brome, foxtail chess, Poaceae; 5 nutlets of Plagiobothrys sp., popcornflower, Boraginaceae; 1 seed of Eschscholzia sp., possibly Eschscholzia californica Cham., California poppy, Papaveraceae.
Hearst Museum object titled Seed, accession number 1-211563, described as Sample. Mentzelia albicaulis. The main component of the specimen consists of seeds of Mentzelia sp., possibly M. albicaulis (Douglas) Douglas ex Torr. & A. Gray, white-stem blazing-star, Loasaceae. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsules: 580 seeds of Descurainia sp., possibly D. sophia (L.) Webb ex Prantl, flixweed, Brassicaceae; 2 seeds of Sisymbrium sp., Brassicaceae
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-2903, described as Foodstuff. The specimen consists of fruits of Wyethia angustifolia (DC.) Nutt., California compassplant, Asteraceae.
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-10197, described as The main component of the specimen consists of achenes of Madia sativa Molina, coast tarweed, Asteraceae. Note: According to the treatment in Hickman, J. C., 1993, The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California, University of California Press, M. sativa is closely related to and partly interfertile with M. gracilis. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsule: 3 florets of Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray, brome fescue, Poaceae; 2 florets of Lolium temulentum L., Darnel ryegrass, Poaceae; 2 fruits of Erodium sp., stork's bill, Geraniaceae; 2 fruits of Rumex sp., dock, Polygonaceae; 1 pod of Medicago polymorpha L., burclover, Fabaceae.
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-2898, described as Buttercup.  Scientific name Ranunculus californicus. California buttercup, Ranunculaceae. Other item found and placed in a gelatin capsule: 1 floret of Poa annua L., annual bluegrass, Poaceae. 1 floret and additional awn of Avena fatua L., wild oat, Poaceae
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-10206, described as Small flat brown seeds used as food; similar to but different from 1-10197. The main component of the specimen consists of achenes of Madia sativa Molina, coast tarweed, Asteraceae. Note: According to the treatment in Hickman, J. C., 1993, The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California, University of California Press, M. sativa is closely related to and partly interfertile with M. gracilis. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsule: 20 seeds of Trifolium ciliolatum Benth., foothill clover, Fabaceae; 15 florets of Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray, brome fescue, Poaceae; 3 achenes of Ranunculus californicus Benth., California buttercup, Ranunculaceae; 3 seeds of Trifolium microcephalum Pursh, smallhead clover, Fabaceae; 2 seeds of Trifolium obtusiflorum Hook. f., clammy clover, Fabaceae; 1 nutlet of Galium sp., bedstraw, Rubiaceae; 1 seed of Luzula comosa E. Mey., Pacific woodrush, Juncaceae; 1 nutlet of Salvia columbariae Benth., chia, Lamiaceae; 1 floret of Bromus commutatus Schrad., hairy chess, Poaceae; 1 unknown achene of Asteraceae
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-10438, described as Specimen, ethnobotanical.  Unspecified, very small, angular. The main component of the specimen consists of seeds of Clarkia purpurea (Curtis) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr., winecup clarkia, Onagraceae. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsules: 675 seeds possibly of Clarkia rhomboidea Dougl. ex Hook.,diamond clarkia, Onagraceae 441 achenes of Anthemis cotula L., mayweed or dog fennel, Asteraceae 125 seeds possibly of Clarkia biloba (Durand) Nelson & J.F. Macbr., twolobe clarkia, Onagraceae 58 seeds possibly of Clarkia unguiculata Lindl., elegant clarkia, Onagraceae 21 seeds of Epilobium densiflorum (Lindl.) Hoch & P.H. Raven, denseflower willowherb, Onagraceae 2 seeds of Gilia sp., gilia, Polemoniaceae
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-2899, described as The specimen consists of achenes of Madia sativa Molina, coast tarweed, Asteraceae. Note: According to the treatment in Hickman, J. C., 1993, The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California, University of California Press, M. sativa is closely related to and partly interfertile with M. gracilis.
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-2891, described as The main component of the specimen consists of fruits of Hemizonia congesta DC., hayfield tarweed, Asteraceae. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsules: 1 seed of Medicago sativa L., alfalfa, Fabaceae; 1 achene of Rumex sp., dock, Polygonaceae1 achene of Polygonum sp., knotweed, Polygonaceae; 1 glumes of Avena sp., Poaceae; 1 floret of Lolium perenne L., perennial ryegrass, Poaceae; 1 floret of Gastridium phleoides (Nees & Meyen) C. E. Hubb., nitgrass, Poaceae.
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-26968, described as Sunflower "chia" and grassnut seeds.  Includes Scientific name Helianthus annuus common name common sunflower. The main component of the specimen consists of a mixture of achenes of Helianthus annuus L., common sunflower (Note: According to the treatment in Hickman, J. C., 1993, The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California, University of California Press, H. annuus is highly variable and hybridizes with several other species), and seeds of Salvia columbariae Benth., chia. Lamiaceae (placed in a gelatin capsule). Other items found and placed in a gelatin capsule: 2 tubers of Cyperus esculentus L., yellow nutsedge, Cyperaceae.