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Hearst Museum object titled Human effigy, accession number 2-4790, described as Wooden carving of a man wearing wolf headdress, standing on grizzly bear head; cedar; painted red, blue, and black. "From Alaska" painted inside base; "May 1877" pencilled inside base. Identification of wood type and animals by Charles Brown.
Hearst Museum object titled Knife, accession number 2-4294, described as With carved head of bear on handle, wood handle wrapped with leather thong, iron blade.
Hearst Museum object titled Knife, accession number 2-15825, described as Steel knife, wooden handle with frog figure.
Hearst Museum object titled Pendant, accession number 2-38454a,b, described as 2 carved pieces of bone strung together with rawhide; one piece represents killer whale, the other, 2 bear heads facing left and right.
Hearst Museum object titled Pipe, accession number 2-38452, described as Tobacco pipe; carved with bear representation; wood; nostrils, eyes, ears, and teeth of inlaid haliotis shell.
Hearst Museum object titled Pipe, accession number 2-6487, described as Carved, wooden pipe; figure of head of an eagle; painted red, green and black. Eagle identified by Charles Brown, June 1964)
Hearst Museum object titled Powder measure, accession number 2-19559, described as Carved ivory with human figure at top.
Hearst Museum object titled Rattle, accession number 2-4620, described as Carved, painted red, blue and black. Shape is a raven with a hawk head on the undeside and a figure probably representing a shaman on the back (fide Vera Mae Fredrickson). Raven's "ears" connect with head of human figure (fide Charles Brown).
Hearst Museum object titled Rattle, accession number 2-29693, described as Wooden, with carved, painted bird face. Rattle missing. Red cedar painted red and black. Wood type and bird face identified by Charles Brown, June 1964.
Hearst Museum object titled Rattle, accession number 2-10875, described as Consisting of a stick with carved heads at ends painted red, blue, and black;  pendant puffin beaks; alder. Double wolf heads at one end; raven with frog in mouth at other; raven with frog in mouth refers to a myth where raven took frog in mouth and descended to depths of the sea, frog acting as lung for raven; double wolf is a Tlingit motif (fide Charles Brown).