1. Scraper Bookmark Museum number: 9-10554 Object class: Denticulate scrapers (stone tools), End scrapers (scraper types), and End scrapers (stone tools) Collector: George V. Shkurkin Collection place: Shuk - Dindori, Narmada valley, Madhya Pradesh Collection date: 1964-1965
2. Scraper Bookmark Museum number: 9-18374 Object class: End scrapers (scraper types) and End scrapers (stone tools) Collector: George V. Shkurkin Collection place: Dindori W-S, Dindori, Narmada valley Collection date: 1964-1965
3. Scraper Bookmark Museum number: 9-18442 Object class: End scrapers (scraper types) and End scrapers (stone tools) Collector: George V. Shkurkin Collection place: Sidhauli Quarry, Narmada valley, Madhya Pradesh Collection date: 1964-1965
4. Scraper Bookmark Museum number: 9-18393 Object class: End scrapers (scraper types) and End scrapers (stone tools) Collector: George V. Shkurkin Collection place: Dindori W-S, Dindori, Narmada valley Collection date: 1964-1965
5. Scraper Bookmark Museum number: 9-10658 Object class: End scrapers (scraper types) and End scrapers (stone tools) Collector: George V. Shkurkin Collection place: Dindori North Terrace, Dindori, Narmada valley Collection date: 1964-1965
6. Scraper Bookmark Museum number: 9-10437 Object class: Side scrapers (scraper types) and Side scrapers (stone tools) Collector: George V. Shkurkin Collection place: Ghatlinga, Narmada valley, Madhya Pradesh Collection date: 1964-1965
7. Scraper Bookmark Museum number: 9-10411 Object class: Side scrapers (scraper types) and Side scrapers (stone tools) Collector: George V. Shkurkin Collection place: Marram NRB, Narmada valley, Madhya Pradesh Collection date: 1964-1965
8. Scraper Bookmark Museum number: 9-18388 Object class: Side scrapers (scraper types) and Side scrapers (stone tools) Collector: George V. Shkurkin Collection place: Dindori W-S, Dindori, Narmada valley Collection date: 1964-1965
9. Scraper Bookmark Museum number: 9-10816 Object class: End scrapers (scraper types), End scrapers (stone tools), Side scrapers (scraper types), and Side scrapers (stone tools) Collector: George V. Shkurkin Collection place: Dindori North, Dindori, Narmada valley Collection date: 1964-1965
10. Scraper Bookmark Museum number: 9-10027 Object class: Side scrapers (scraper types) and Side scrapers (stone tools) Collector: George V. Shkurkin Collection place: Peera Nullah, Narmada valley, Madhya Pradesh Collection date: 1964-1965