Image Missing: Hearst Museum object titled Netsuke, accession number 9-7460, described as Netsuke: stylized orange decorated with cloud pattern. Inside orange, two men seated at a table; playing Go. According to the donor's catalog: "Netsuke in old ivory of what is intended for an orange—leaving the perceptions somewhat vague about it—by reason of the cloud pattern with which the orange is richly embroidered—the cloud pattern is [untranscribable] the symbol of mysticism. This same orange has an 'seif - de - bouey' through which one glimpses two old men seated before a go-ban table with the black and white "ishi" plainly visible. Once in a grove there grew an orange tree. Its fruit was imposing particularly turo—which the master left, on the tree where they hung, for a long time in monumental bloom remaining fresh with no sign of decay. One day, the master made a circular cut, into the orange of our new netsuke and—outwalked two sages who immediately began an alisorting game of go - at a nearby table. After a awhile, one of the orange men drew [untranscribable] his robe, root shaped like a dragon—in which the two mounted—and ascended to an overhanging cloud. In netsuke's they are represented at their go ban table neither or without the orange.